The Most Common Pests in Murfreesboro, TN

If you live in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, then you are no stranger to pests. These little critters can find their way into your home at any time and can be a huge nuisance. In this blog post, we will discuss the 5 most common household pests in Murfreesboro, and how to identify them.
Top 5 Pests in Murfreesboro
Knowing what these pests look like and how to identify them is the first step in getting rid of them! The 5 most common pests in Murfreesboro are:
Mice and rats are the most common rodents in Tennessee. They can be very destructive and can spread diseases and cause damage to homes.
- Mice are smaller than rats, have pointy noses, and have slender bodies.
- Rats are larger than mice, have blunt noses, and stockier bodies.
Both rats and mice are typically brownish-gray in color and both can sneak into homes through openings in walls, ceilings, and floors.
There are a few species of ants in Murfreesboro including the carpenter ant, which can be very destructive. another type of ant in TN is the fire ant, which can inflict a painful sting and cause red, itchy welts.
- Carpenter Ants are small, black, and have a distinctive 12-segmented antenna. They typically nest in wood where they can chew through the fibers, creating galleries that weaken structural integrity.
- Fire Ants are small, reddish-brown in color, and live in dirt mounds. When disturbed, they will sting their attacker, release a pheromone that attracts other ants to the scene, and then swarm.
There are many types of spiders in Tennessee, but the most common ones are the house spider and the cellar spider.
- Cellar Spiders, otherwise known as "Daddy Long Legs", are found in dark, damp places like basements and crawlspaces. Cellar spiders have long legs and very small bodies. They can range from 1/4 to 3/8 of an inch in size. Cellar spiders can be pale yellow, tan, light brown, and gray.
- House Spiders are often found near windows or doorways inside homes. They are typically smaller than a quarter of an inch long. Females are usually slightly larger than males. House spiders are brown and some can have brown or white spots on the body.
Bees and Wasps
Bees and wasps are attracted to sweet things like fruit, flowers, and areas where the scent of food rotting might smell sweet, like garbage cans. They can be very dangerous if they sting you, causing painful welts and allergic reactions.
- Bees are typically black and yellow, while wasps can be black, brown, or white.
- Bees can only sting once, while wasps can sting multiple times.
- Both live in different types of hives - bees live in round hives and wasps live in tube or oval-shaped hives.
Cockroaches are one of the most common household pests and they can be very difficult to get rid of. Cockroaches are typically found in kitchens and bathrooms, where they feed on food and water sources. They can contaminate food with their saliva and feces, leading to allergic reactions or even asthma attacks in some people. There are several species of cockroach, but the most common is the German cockroach.
- German roaches are small, brown, and have two black stripes on their backs.
- They can be difficult to spot because they hide in cracks and crevices during the day.
- German roaches are hard to get rid of because they reproduce quickly and can develop a resistance to many pesticides.
Getting rid of Pests
If you're dealing with any of the pests listed above, it is best to call in a professional exterminator in Murfreesboro! DIY pest control can actually make infestations worse, and waste your money on lousy results. Our team at Sherrill Pest Control is here to help if you're dealing with pests in Murfreesboro!
We also offer pest control in the following locations: